IFECtiv consulting services for airlines

IFECtiv knows that a winning IFEC solution is the solution that fits your airline business and ultimately maximises your returns, your Net Promoter Scores and Customer Satisfaction metrics. 

IFEC can be a complex world, and how to approach it can seem like a never-ending puzzle. When you partner with IFECtiv, you can rest assured that you will no longer feel lost or overwhelmed when navigating this space. 

With over a decade of firsthand experience consulting and managing some of the world’s most diverse fleets, IFECtiv understands that there is no “one size fits all” approach to IFEC. While the primary goal of every airline is to transport their customers safely, with respect to product, every airline has different objectives.

Over the years, the IFECtiv team has worked closely and directly with key personnel below and above the wing (e.g., pilots, flight attendants, station managers, caterers) to understand and empathize their day-to-day challenges, so IFEC solutioning can be streamlined, efficient and considerate of all stakeholders involved. We simplify the product support experience so it can enable your teams and crews to focus on what matters most—the safe transport and service of customers.

Partnering with airlines to make informed and educated product and purchasing decisions 

We all wished we had a crystal ball when it comes to planning for your IFEC years before it will fly. Making these decisions without careful review and planning can be extremely detrimental to your business in both the short and longer term negatively impacting your bottom line and taking your customer satisfaction to all-time lows. 

With technology and innovation moving and evolving rapidly, it’s becoming almost impossible in post-COVID recovery times for the airline to stay on top of the dynamic IFEC market. As an airline, it can be challenging or impossible to maintain IFEC product expertise in-house to objectively evaluate your options and determine strategies to move forward.  

IFECtiv will collaborate and partner with you, your stakeholders and suppliers to achieve a win-win outcome

IFECtiv is here to help! We can provide support through your requirements process and conduct deep dive analysis to assess the suppliers’ compatibility with your objectives and long-term goals. IFECtiv will help you confidently make informed and accurate decisions in determining the right products and partners for you.

From large global corporations to emerging startups across hardware, software, entertainment sectors, IFECtiv’s wealth of industry experience will help you make the right decisions for your fleet, help your partners better understand your needs and an overall win-win outcome.

IFECtiv can support you at every step of your IFEC journey in areas including:

  • IFEC fleet strategy

  • Product development and partnership opportunities

  • Competitive research and analysis

  • RFPs/RFIs

  • Business and technical requirements

  • Negotiating service level agreements

  • Program management and quality assurance